Allergy Fog

May 9, 2011 at 12:40 pm (Uncategorized)

I’m completely in an allergy fog this spring.

It’s all the rain. Every time we have a very wet spring, I’m miserable.

I’m pretty sure I’m highly allergic to some mold spores that are usually nice and dormant down in the soil.

Until it rains.

A lot.

If the mold and the trees and the flowers and the bees would just quit having all that pollen sex I’d be alright.

I wouldn’t have to be on 5 different kinds of allergy medicine.

I can tell if I’m late for a dose of any of them, too.

Each one has an effect on something different I guess.

So that’s my excuse, I’m doped up, I can’t think straight and so I haven’t been posting much.

Summer come quickly, PLEASE!

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May 3, 2011 at 7:10 am (Uncategorized)

Gratefulness seems to be a running theme this week.  On my blog The Worship Warrior I journal about what songs I wake up singing.  Both yesterday and today were songs of gratitude.

First off, I’m so thankful that God gives me a song to sing. A friend of mine pointed out that if I paid attention to the songs, they might just hold the key to my day.  As I’ve begun to do just that I do see a correlation with my morning song and the wisdom I need for the day.

That so amazes me.  That God would take the time to give me a personal song that will fit my day!  It’s like those mixed tapes we used to make to show how much we cared for someone.

Secondly, I’m thankful for my new on-line friendships I’ve made.  I love that we have an opportunity to connect and support people we would otherwise never have a chance to meet.  I am so blessed to read many of your stories and to know that I am not alone.

Heavenly Homemaker

Vanderbilt Wife

Musings of a Housewife

Barefoot and Pregnant

For Such a Time as This (this one I get to know in real life too!)

Simple Mom

Sorta Crunchy

The Gypsy Mama

Just Simply Live (another in person friend)

I get encouragement and draw strength from these women whether they realize it or not, they are an inspiration. And for them I am thankful.

Linked in with Gratituesday over at Heavenly Homemakers.

Join us for Gratituesday at Heavenly Homemakers!

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