
July 4, 2011 at 10:48 pm (Uncategorized)

What I’m thankful for this week…

1. Lazy Holidays

2. Watching a little boy watch his first parade.

3. Friends who feel comfortable enough to just stop by for the weekend and don’t care about the mess.

4. Spending time outside and just letting my house be.

5. A Husband who is fine with #3&4.

6. New friends close by who own a restaurant…

7. and have adopted us as family  The Blues Concept

8. A husband who will talk me out of a cute kitten… they turn into cats!

9. New screen doors for the house, even though it is taking way longer to get them painted and hung than anticipated…. dark color choices require MULTIPLE coats to be the color you chose

10. portable crafts like crocheting

11. napping little boys.

12. Cuddling up with my son as we watch fireworks for the first time

13. Ear plug that allow a little boy with sensitive ears to enjoy fireworks.

Linked it with Gratituesday.

Join us for Gratituesday at Heavenly Homemakers!

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